Why play with play dough ? Make fresh pasta , it's cheaper more educational and kids get to eat it in the end.
(Makes about 3/4 servings )
Add 3 cups of a great quality all purpose flour ( use organic flour , it's worth it) . Make a well and break 3 eggs ( room temperature eggs best) .Add a good pinch of salt .Begin beating the eggs with a fork and gradually mix in the flour . When it gets manageable begin using your hands .
You might need to add a bit more flour if it's to sticky. And if mixture is to hard to work with add a bit more water, 1 table spoon at a time.Knead the dough and make into a ball. Allow to rest 15 min in frig.
Cut into 4 parts .
If you find yourself without a rolling pin handy , find a bottle or in our case , a large glass candle holder . Wash well and dry before using .
Get your little helper rolling.Dust some flour on a marble table and begin to roll the dough pieces one at a time until it's very thin. You need to lift the pasta as you roll and dust more flour a few times during the rolling period to prevent it from sticking to the work table.
When pasta is stretched thin,(don't worry about it's final shape) sprinkle a good amount of flour on top and fold up starting from one end about and inch wide. Continue folding till you are left with a long folded strip about 1 or 2 inches wide.
Give the little guy a high five for perfection!
Begin cutting to preferred thickness . We decided on Pappardelle size width (wide flat and long).
Separate the pasta.
When boiling , be sure to stir occasionally allowing pasta to separate. It will take about 4 minutes to cook "al dente" . Taste for texture.
Chefs note; fresh pasta tends to boil over because of the excess flour we use to keep it from separated. Keep an eye on the flame - less quantity added to water and stirring stops the "volcanic eruption ".